Tuesday, April 9, 2019

“Kick Out The Jams” #82 4/5/1969

Some songs are edited so they can get radio airplay. Most are due to length, but this one from Detroit-based MC5 contained the “mother” of all obscenities, you know. The clean version here still didn’t get much traction so the band languished except in the underground clubs. MC5 was probably the first hardcore punk group to get noticed in the rock press. Rolling Stone gave them a cover story before their first LP was even issued. These guys were a little bit ahead of their time.


Tal Hartsfeld said...

When are you going to get to The Bubble Puppy?
Or "Rock Me" by Steppenwolf?
Or "Day After Day" by Shango?
Or even "Too Experienced" by Eddie Lavett (or is it Levett?)

...or did I ask too soon?

Tal Hartsfeld said...

It's "Lovette".
...Okay, I got it!