Monday, October 3, 2016

"Sunny Afternoon" #14 10/1/1966

As we've said before in this space, the Kinks loved to skewer the British upper crust. They didn't care much for old-money aristocracy. Ray Davies wrote this #1 UK hit lampooning the snootiness and First World problems of the hoi polloi. Ray was very superstitious about how this record turned out, saying he was afraid that had he done a single thing differently prior to the actual recording, it wouldn't have been a hit.


Tal Hartsfeld said...

Next June you can profile MR. PLEASANT.

brocave said...

Totally unfamiliar with that tune. Wikipedia says it was the British B-side of "Autumn Almanac" which I'm also not familiar with, as fhat was Top 5 in the UK but did absolutely nothing in America.

Tal Hartsfeld said...

I'm not familiar with AUTUMN ALMANAC.
It was MR. PLEASANT that was getting airplay on top-40 radio in the summer of 1967. Never became a hit though. But it falls into the same "skewering the British upper crust" category as A WELL-RESPECTED MAN, DEDICATED FOLLOWER OF FASHION and SUNNY AFTERNOON.