Friday, August 23, 2019

“You Can’t Always Get What You Want” 1969 B-side

The B-side of “Honky Tonk Women” didn’t chart at the time but was reissued in 1973 as an A-side, just missing the Top 40. It became a fixture on album rock radio. The Rolling Stones’ producer Jimmy Miller played drums, the ubiquitous Al Kooper played French horn, organ and piano, and the London Bach Choir opened and closed the track. “Mr. Jimmy” was said to be one Jimmy Hutmaker. The story goes that the Stones played an amusement park outside the Twin Cities in 1964, getting booed off the stage. Mick went to a local drug store for a fountain cherry Coke and met Hutmaker, who in conversation gave Jagger the song title idea.

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