Monday, October 29, 2018

“In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida” #30 10/26/1968

Thank goodness for lengthy songs on classic rock radio. The album version by Iron Butterfly ran 17+ minutes, and was the ultimate “in case of fire” bathroom break record. The DJ prayed it didn’t skip! The single edited out all the solos, including the nearly three minute drum solo. Organist Doug Ingle wrote the song while drinking a gallon (!) of wine. Drummer Ron Bushy was transcribing the words but Ingle slurred the title “In The Garden Of Eden,” badly mangling it; they left that in. Erik Brann was 17 and played guitar for only three months when this was recorded. It was part of a Simpsons episode where Bart snuck the sheet music into church. A true one-hit wonder, though the LP stayed on the charts for almost three years.

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