Saturday, January 19, 2019

“Son Of A Preacher Man” #10 1/18/1969

This HAS to be on my desert island playlist. Dusty Springfield’s career was at a crossroads as she started work on a new album, “Dusty In Memphis.” She had just signed with Atlantic Records, label of her idol Aretha Franklin, who was a preacher’s daughter. Lady Soul did this first but it remained unreleased, so Jerry Wexler of Atlantic gave the tune to Ms. Springfield. Dusty was reportedly so intimidated by the talent level of the Memphis musicians that she had to finish her vocals in New York, but the end result is beyond compare. The Sweet Inspirations sang backup. The song later appeared in a key sequence of “Pulp Fiction.” I could listen to this on an endless loop forever. LOVE LOVE LOVE this!

Footnote: Memphis studio picker extraordinaire Reggie Young played the intro here and on sooooo many other records - he passed away Thursday, 1/17/19 at 82. I swear, I had this coming up today, anyway...RIP, dude.

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