Friday, August 18, 2017

"Baby You're A Rich Man" #34 8/12/1967

The quickly recorded B-side of the current Fab Four single made the Top 40 on its own. We'll feature the A-side tomorrow. Like "A Day In The Life," this combined unfinished songs by John and Paul. It centered on a theme of the "beautiful people" or moneyed class derided by the counterculture, though some say it was about their manager, Brian Epstein. A turn of events involving Epstein would soon permanently alter the Beatles' career. The song was in the animated "Yellow Submarine" movie, but wasn't included on the soundtrack album. Mick Jagger helped on backing vocals and Brian Jones of the Stones was supposedly on oboe, but the Beatles Bible website says the oboe sound was John playing a clavioline (a forerunner of the synthesizer) and Jones wasn't present. I had a very difficult time finding a song clip, and finally located one on a Slovenian website.

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