Monday, May 1, 2017

"Puppet On A String" (Sandie Shaw) #1 UK 4/27/1967

Not to be confused with an Elvis song having the same title. We present the UK's #1 record this week in 1967 as done by Sandie Shaw, and the first British entry to win the Eurovision Song Contest. ABBA and CĂ©line Dion got career boosts from that competition. Sandie had showcased five tunes on a BBC programme and this was selected by viewers to represent the country. She later said she despised the song as too cutesy but recorded it anyway. It was her third and last #1 over there. I don't believe it was ever released in America. Her trademark was performing barefoot.


Tal Hartsfeld said...

Sandy Shaw had the definitive version of the Bacharach-David song ALWAYS SOMETHING THERE TO REMIND ME in early 1965.

brocave said...

Sure did. Way better than Dionne Warwick's!