Thursday, February 25, 2016

"In My Life" Album cut

From "Rubber Soul," this is without a doubt one of the prettiest and most profound records the Beatles ever made. John was asked by a journalist to write a song about his youth, so it started out as a Liverpool travelogue of sorts before he made the lyrics more wistful. Paul later used the same concept with "Penny Lane." Trivia: Their producer, George Martin, used a studio trick here! Sir George played a slow piano solo while the master tape ran at half-speed. When the master was then played back at normal speed, the pitch of the piano was raised by one full octave, creating a faux harpsichord effect. The same principle was used on those Alvin and the Chipmunks records. I bet this is one of the few times those two acts are mentioned in the same post.

Beatles - In My Life

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