Tuesday, November 3, 2015

"Hungry For Love" #27 10/30/1965

Today's Top 5 easy listening tune is by the San Remo Golden Strings, moonlighting Detroit Symphony Orchestra members plus the string section of the Funk Brothers, Motown's house band. When Berry Gordy found out, he fined his Motown employees appearing on the record $1,000 each. Hopefully they made it up in royalties.

San Remo Golden Strings - Hungry For Love

1 comment:

Tal Hartsfeld said...

CEOs can be such despots.
And the owner of a record company at that. You would think that, being part of the music business, Mr. Gordy would understand the ethos of creativity and freedom-of-expression.
Apparently "bottom-line mentality" was prevalent even THEN: "As employees of mine you are only allowed to make money for ME and me ALONE. If I'M not the one profiting from your efforts then such efforts are forbidden!"
...and one wonders why those-in-charge are often considered to be so "incompetent, inadequate, and inefficient".